Archive | May 2013

In case you missed it…


If you haven’t already, please check out the new website at!

In the tragic shootings that took place on Mother’s Day during the second line parade, it had some people asking, what is a second line?  I try to answer that question.

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Even though the weather is getting warmer outside, inside is always gumbo season!

Try my new Chicken and Andouille Sausage recipe with my new trick with the chicken.  I’ll never cut the chicken down to bite sized pieces again!

Coming up in the next week or so… the NEW Big Easy Wednesday Recipe of the Week… you’ll have to wait until Wednesday to find out what this great crock pot recipe is!

Remember, even if you’re not in New Orleans, you can still support New Orleans by shopping online at NOLA retailers.  I promise I don’t get anything for this, but I buy my music from Louisiana Music Factory online along with searching for New Orleans musicians on iTunes.

OffBeat Magazine had an eye opening articles on the musicians and how much they make, it’s not as much as you may think!  It’s a call to support the local music of New Orleans, everywhere!

Thanks for reading!

Red Beans and Eric

On the website…

redbeans_logo_2If you haven’t already, please check out the new website!

This week I’ve added new posts for Mexican Pizza, Yakamein, and a book review for the cookbook Roux Memories.

Please choose to follow the website there for all the new recipes and updates!

Thank you,
Red Beans and Eric